Friday, November 6, 2009

feeling better..

Thank God it doesn't rain 2day...i have tonnes of clothes hanging outside since yesterday..waaaawa..
but, it's a very hot day though..huhu
After expressing it all in my blog yesterday, i feel much better surprisingly. But, i would also like to thank God, because i think he was the one that made me feel better, I don't really know how though..ukh!
It's lunch time and i'm a lil bored with fb, so what d heck, why don't I just improve my writing skills since I'm very bad at writing obviously..hmmm..(I don't even know what to write about)
I'm supposed to be studying after lunch. I'm determined and motivated today. I have 2 study!!
As the saying goes, "masa itu emas", sooooo I must not waste time anymore....(hmmm..i'm guessing blogging is considered as a waste of isn't? hehe)
My laptop is simply irresistable. When I switched it on, it's so hard for me 2 turn it off. Arghh..i hope that other people have this same problem as me 2..hehe..and because of this, it's impossible for me to study..ish3..
So, I've made up my mind..I put a big notice on my notice board that says "X LAPPY UNTIL LUNCH"..WOOOHOOO....and I'm very proud of myself because I've been very disciplined and I only "bermesra" with my simply irresistable lappy at noon. Yes!!! but, the thing is....I online for more than 2 hours...(*&$#)haih...I think i need to put another notice to limit my online time..hmmm...yea, I think I definitely should do that...
My exam is in 2 weeks time and I must change!Yes!! And due to this reason, bye bye 4 now...hehe..i'll be back 2morow noon i guess..=p


Anonymous said...


wah.. mbe u shud tk pengurusan disiplin. kelak boleh lah mendisiplinkan murid. and kawan. kedak aku. haha. aku mesti off langsung and lari pegi bilit baru aku dpt tk my mind off laptop. skrg x appeal too much to me but mun mok kepo blog org ya aku plg x tahan. mala jak mok cek, dah habis cek, aku cek gik blogroll list dak nya sampey aku dapat online sampey malam. hehehe

l!zTeRR!tory said...

uuu..x mok..aku x sukala disiplin2 towk..ush...hahah..aku pn camya mun lappy aku dh terbuka luas terang pampamg sia..
nang irresistable na juak...truk eh..

Anonymous said...

hehe... yala kena control-control tuk. mun bulan lent tuk hmph nang dapat pahala lah... hehe. tapi agik juak terkalah skjap ngan cobaan... (bak kata P. Ramlee dlm bujang lapok)