Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello again's been 2 years since i last wrote anything in my blog...
The first one is just for the sake of completing my assignment..wahahha...
hmmmm...don't really know what to say now...i'm supposed to be studying, since it's my final exam month...but, instead..i'm online..*sigh*
what happened to me? i've change..i've never been like this..It used to be so clear..
I used to know what I want and I will work hard to achieve it. But now, even though I want to do well in my studies badly, I don't have the effort to study..I feel lost. I don't know what's my purpose anymore..
Why can't I be like my old self anymore? Why do I feel this way out of a sudden..I also felt that the path I've taken is not what I wanted anymore..I feel like I want to do something else, be different and be someone else...I really don't understand what happened to me..huhu..tsk3..


Anonymous said...

biasalah ya... mun kawu x question diri kawu, maksudnya kawu x pk la.

aku pun duluk masa first year, semangat berkobar-kobar bah... tapi ya x bermaksud kinek tuk xkan belajar. nang la akan change. mun x change ya x normal la ya. kawu dah adapt ngan uni life bah...
dun wori. it's ok if u want to be different. mbe u've found out wat u really want to be. now, if u dun want to be troubled by the long-term decision for the time being (kan mok exam), ko just ingat do ur best utk graduate with flying colours la. cos ya kira jangka pendek dah. hehe. x pun, ko ingat sem tuk, mok dapat result yg kacak-kacak.

kedak aku yg mata $$, aku ingat mun dapat result perfect score ya akan ada habuan. so ya lah... hehe. tapi aku pun mok meningkatkan CGPA harap-harap dpt 1st class wpun mcm xpat jak T_T

xhal la. at least, do ur best and God will do the rest if u surrender to Him.

l!zTeRR!tory said...

aku pun x tauk ba..lpas kt blt dr jumpa lect ari ya..out of a sudden jak ba aku rasa camya..berkonflik ngan diri aku..x pernah dlm seumur hidup aku....even aku fikir jangka pendek pn nya x mok juak..mayb aku terlalu gila blajar dolok sampai at one time bila berseronok ckit, nya masih g mok stay dlm mode seronok ya..aish...mcm inertia bha..hehe..ingat juak aku konsep inertia..heheh...k study2..

Anonymous said...

haha.. biasa la ya. aku tauk feeling ya. kedak aku masa 1st year 2nd sem, aku suka gilak mok main game nang x pat tahan eh... dpt gik rasa gatal kat jantung aku masa ya. hehe. x bulak. tapi makin ya aku makin paksa diri aku blajar. and ahfook telah confiscate laptop ku atas arahanku. kak ya mun aku boring tpaksa aku blaja. hehe. dahla xda rumet ku masa ya. aku sorang jak. nang boring gilak-gilak la. kedak mok gila jak rasa. tapi dah habis ya nang kedak ayam kenak lepas dari reban la. rasa betul-betul free jak. on top of the world pun ada :)

sabar jak. susah-susah dahulu, senang-senang kemudian. kan kita mok sambung gik... mesti mok tingkatkan usaha. makin byk usaha, makin byk reward. ya jak perlu ingat. lain-lain ya iboh risaukan gilak. ya cuma temptation.

Good luck :)